Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Vince is back, the Rumble is looming, and I want to answer your questions!

 Good morning! 

Vince McMahon is back on his bullshit again. The septuagenarian CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment has managed to force himself back into the wrestling spotlight by denying any sale of WWE without him leading the negotiations. He’s basically blackmailing his company into giving him back the position he was urged to walk away from last year due to a Wall Street Journal report featuring allegations of sexual harassment and hush money. His daughter also recently resigned from the company, although that may just be a matter of her getting out of his way and getting back to the hiatus she’d been on when Vince stepped down and someone needed to take over for him.

Still, that’s all pretty gross overall. There have already been rumors that everyone from Universal/NBC/Peacock, to Saudi Arabia, to rival AEW are interested in buying. Then again, maybe Vince is just saying he’s looking to sell so he can get back in power in his own company, and then he’ll do a quick 180 and say there weren’t any great suitors in the first place. I couldn’t tell ya for sure, as I myself don’t know the goings on behind the scenes. I’m just a humble fan and blogger, and my speculation is based on as much knowledge as my cat’s.  That being said, it sure feels like Vince is just gonna go back to doing things the way he always had, which is a shame because it really felt like things were changing in WWE. Stories were a little better, the in-ring action was a little more crisp, and we saw a lot of faces we weren’t seeing on TV over the last year. There are already rumblings that Vince has started to make suggestions as to the storylines, which is not great news.

I’m going to try to remain optimistic, because I have really enjoyed WWE lately and Royal Rumble season is truly my favorite time of year. Maybe things will somehow work out for the best. 

Raw’s 30th anniversary show is next Monday, a great time to check out the show if you’re a lapsed fan! It’s also what we call the “go home show” before the Royal Rumble - the show that’s historically supposed to make you really excited for the Premium Live Event. As a big old nerd, I really don’t need much to want to watch the Rumble - there’s always a surprise return, or an unexpected spot. I even got to go to my first one last year, which kicked off my year of irresponsibility that led to this writing thing! 

I don’t have a whole lot to say about it, but I figured at least a short post and acknowledgement was in order. We also had some interesting developments in AEW last week, with The Elite beating Death Triangle in an insane ladder match - excuse me, an ESCALERA DE LA MUERTE match. Adam Cole made a surprise return, and Mercedes Mone (the former Sasha Banks) made as much of a splash by NOT showing up despite some strong implications that she would. We also saw Ruby Soho and Willow Nightingale team up for a blood soaked victory over Ruby’s longtime rivals Tay Conti and Anna Jay, in a match the internet was largely angry about because…women wrestlers bled? I dunno, man, I thought it was cool. There’s also little morsels being left regarding a certain Punk who left the company last year, but I have no idea if those are intentional or just coincidence. WHO’S TO SAY? 

All in all, a busy week of building leading into the Royal Rumble, WrestleMania season, and whatever is going to happen to WWE now that Vince McMahon is back and Stephanie McMahon is gone. I’m looking forward to a full week of wrestling and hopefully trying to stream some WWE 2K22 now that I’m feeling better (thanks for all the well wishes) and also, if you have any questions about wrestling at all, feel free to ask and I’ll do my level best to answer them - whether you want my feelings about a particular subject, or some research into a question you’ve got bothering you, I’ll be happy to find an answer for ya!

Be good, take care, and we’ll see you next week. 

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